

16th Gdańsk Dance Festival | 23.08-1.09.2024

16th Gdansk Dance Festival 23.08-01.09.2024 


The Festival will be opened by the Spanish company Iron Skulls Co, drawing inspiration from contemporary dance and breaking (from which the company originates). Impressing "Azul Petróleo" is a story about belonging to a group and its impact on an one's individuality and creativity. The topic of social relationships and dependencies will also appear during the following days of the Festival. “Traitor” and “I am Alex” by Moveo Dance Company will raise issues of escape from conformity and imposed social norms, as well as the ubiquitous hyper-individualism and the cult of “self”. The topic of escaping social norms and restrictions, but in the context of female identity, will be also touched upon in “Anna” by Laboration Art Company.  Intimate duet about freedom and love, and women's fundamental right to self-determination. “The Unseen” that will open a second weekend of the Festival is a solo choreography performed by an Iranian dancer, directly refering to the political situation in Iran, where dancing is still prohibited and punishable by imprisonment. The energizing "Ageless generation" by the Hungarian Central European Dance Theater will take us to the world of generational and cultural contrasts. Social topics will also appear in the Sticky Fingers Club's "Glory Game" a closing act of the Main Programme of this year’s festival. A performance wittily referring to the Olympic tradition and the modern face of sport, dominated by ruthless competition and ever-increasing demands on the players.


23.08 | 19:00 “Azul Petróleo” The Iron Skulls Co (ES) 

24.08 | 19:00 “Ageless generation” Central Europe Dance Theatre (HU) 

25.08 | 19:00 “Traitor” i “I am Alex” Moveo Dance Company (MT)


30.08 | 19:00 “The Unseen” chor. Stefano Fardelli (IT/IR)

31.08 | 19:00 “Anna” Laboration Art Company (FR)

01.09 | 19:00 “The Glory Game”  Sticky Fingers Club (PL)